BRADFORD Cathedral Choir has been congratulated for its hard work throughout the term.

The group’s latest Choir Awards Ceremony was held on Sunday – the last day of the choir term.

Alexander Berry, Director of Music, acknowledged the hard work and achievements of the choristers on the Bradford Cathedral Choir Facebook page.

He said: "You work hard, day-in and day-out, in the oldest building in Bradford.”

The director explained the choir is “part of a living tradition that is found nowhere else in the world” and that some of the music they have sung was done so by children in cathedral choirs for 500 years.

Mr Berry said: "As choristers you work hard, but I also want to pay tribute to your parents, your families, and all the people who enable you to get to the Cathedral.”

Cathedral staff and chaperones were thanked as well, for supporting the choir.

Mr Berry finished with an announcement just before the awards.

He said: "Finally, some of you choristers will receive awards today, but some won't, but that doesn't mean you haven't given a huge amount to this place over the last year.

“We greatly value what every single one of you brings to the Cathedral and to the choir."