A cat rescue in Bradford has described the emotional battle to save a kitten's life after suffering from horrific burns.

When Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary (BCWR) took Rosa into care, she was covered in a substance believed to be fibreglass resin or something similar.

The rescue has spent more than £1,000 on specialist silicone dressings alone to aid Rosa’s healing.

Now, three months later, the cat has overcome an "almost impossible battle" to survive.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Rosa pictured earlier in 2023Rosa pictured earlier in 2023 (Image: UGC)

Earlier this week, Rosa underwent first-of-its-kind surgery to mend her face and help her blink again at Northcote Veterinary Surgery.

It was the first of several operations that Rosa will require, with the next one already scheduled for June. 

Vets David and Gemma had to buy specialist equipment for the intricate surgery.

Lead surgeon Gemma spent hours tracking down various specialists and referral centres, who had never seen injuries on this scale before.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus:

After hours of relentless research, Gemma discovered two world-leading eye surgeons, Heidi and Sue, who had dealt with similar injuries.

Speaking after the surgery, the rescue’s founder Katie Lloyd said: “We always have every faith in our amazing vets at Northcote Veterinary Surgery.

“When we dropped Rosa off this morning, I shed a little tear, kissed her goodbye and wished the entire team lots of luck.

“So many things could have gone wrong, but thankfully it didn’t. Against the odds, Rosa has fought an almost impossible battle and in this time her healing has been miraculous.

“Rosa had a settled night, and came off her fluids last night.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Rosa, pictured during and after surgeryRosa, pictured during and after surgery (Image: UGC)

"She has been eating well overnight and this morning and is comfortable, playful and bright this morning unlike me, as I’ve been on wound watch all night.

"I think today will consist of a coffee infusion for me."

The former paediatric nurse founded the rescue almost two decades ago. 

Katie, who was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour in 2012, has dedicated hours of her life towards caring for cats living with injuries and disabilities.

People can donate to the charity via PayPal using bcwrkittensfundraising@gmail.com as the recipient. Alternatively people can call Northcote Vets and pay over the phone on 01274 632222, quoting ‘BCWR’.