DEVELOPERS behind refused plans to build a new petrol filling station, electric vehicle charging, car wash and shop in Skipton have gone to appeal.

The application on land designated Local Green Space on a field between the A59 and Gargrave Road - almost opposite Keelham Farm Shop - was refused permission in October last year by Craven District Council.

Councillors, who had been recommended by officers to approve the scheme by Brookfield Property (Holdings) Ltd, went against officer advice and refused the plans on grounds of it being designated green space, because of traffic congestion and the 'non-viability of the business' without its retail space given as reasons for refusal.

The applicant, which had proposed the building of a new roundabout on Gargrave Road, to be shared by the existing Travelodge, opposite the proposed new service station entrance, argued that the roadside services would address an absence in such facilities along the A65/A59 road network.

It claimed that the site was 'ideal' while the officer's report to the committee at the time said the use of Local Green Space could be permitted because it fulfilled 'exceptional circumstances' criteria in that it was 'local transport infrastructure'.

Concerns included a build up of traffic, loss of green space at the entrance to the town and there being no need for another petrol filling station in the town. There were also concerns from residents of Gargrave Road, from Skipton Civic Society and Stirton with Thorlby Parish Council.

Councillors voted six to three to refuse the scheme.

An appeal was lodged by Brookfield Property (Holdings) Ltd with the planning inspectorate on May 9 with comments from interested parties due by June 13.