DOG owners in West Yorkshire have been warned to remain vigilant as 111 cases of a deadly pet disease have been reported within a 50-mile radius of Bradford

Lungworm cases are on the the rise and spreading across the country. If left untreated, it can be fatal to dogs.

Sadly, nine per cent of animals who become infected with the disease die from the health issues caused by lungworm.

Symptoms of a lungworm infestation in dogs

Symptoms can include:

  • Coughing
  • Changes in breathing or struggling to breathe
  • Going off food
  • Upset stomach with vomiting and/or diarrhoea 
  • Weight loss
  • Tiredness
  • Unexplained or excessive bruising
  • Pale gums
  • Bleeding

How do dogs get lungworm infections?

Lungworm is a parasite that can be spread in the environment in several ways.

For example, infected dogs and foxes can spread the disease, with lungworm larvae being present in their faeces.

Other animals can ingest this, or it can be eaten by slugs and snails, which if eaten by dogs, can further spread the disease.

According to an interactive map that tracks registered cases of lungworm, there are 111 cases in a 50-mile radius of Bradford.

There is no data to show where these animals picked up the disease.

How to prevent lungworm infection in dogs

You can prevent your dog from being seriously harmed by a lungworm infection in the following ways:

  • Regular worming treatments
  • Picking up your dog’s faeces quickly. This will help prevent the spread of lungworm
  • Removing toys and bowls from the garden overnight so they are not exposed to slugs and snails
  • Changing the water in water bowls frequently

Can humans get lungworm?

Lungworm cannot be transmitted from animals to humans.