PLANS to flatten a crumbling smithy in a historic village and replace it with a house have been approved by Bradford Council.

The Old Smithy on West Lane in Haworth is in such a poor state that Council officers agree it would be impossible to repair or convert.

Earlier this year, a planning application to knock down the 19th Century workshop and replace it with a detached house and garage was submitted by Darren and Tara Holmes.

Although Conservation Officers often balk at plans to demolish buildings in Haworth, they said the loss of this building would actually improve the Conservation Area, and approved the development this week.

Officers agreed with the applicant’s report, which said the building “is in very poor condition and not capable of repair or conversion.”

Officers added: “The many alterations that have been undertaken to the building are clearly evident and these have significantly diminished the building's heritage value and its contribution to conservation area character.

“Overall, it is considered that the loss of the building will not result in harm to the special character and appearance of the conservation area.

“The dwelling would fit in with the general presidential appearance of this part of Haworth and would have no harm to visual amenity, particularly when compared with the current building.”