A stolen bike, seized car and reported driver were all in a day’s work for police officers on Operation Steerside. 

West Yorkshire Police’s Steerside Enforcement team works across Bradford district, deploying officers seven days a week in cars and on bikes. 

One incident involved reporting a driver who was unsupervised in the car whilst only holding a provisional licence. 

The motorist was caught driving a car without L plates on Wrose Road by the Bradford East Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT).  

The vehicle was also seized. 

Provisional licence holders who drive without supervision could face a fine, penalty points on their licence, and even a driving ban.

Over on Norman Lane, the same NPT officers stopped a driver who was behind the wheel without insurance.

Her insurance company had cancelled the policy for non-payment and the driver thought she’d take a chance.

The driver was caught, reported and her vehicle was seized.

A stolen bike was later recovered near Eldwick after being taken from the Bingley area. 

Enquiries are ongoing, a police spokesperson for Shipley NPT confirmed.

People can email bd.steerside@westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk to report information to the Operation Steerside team.