PLANS for traffic calming measures outside a primary school have been approved, with one councillor saying the safety of children needed to be the priority.

A £25,000 road safety scheme on Highfield Road, Idle, was first proposed by Bradford Council last year for the stretch close to Blakehill Primary School.

It would see new double yellow lines around the school entrance on Doctor Hill, a speed “plateau” and speed cushions, and the creation of a number of on-street parking bays on Highfield Road.

A 20mph zone would also be created.

There was a public consultation on the proposal, with one objection. This objection meant the plans had to be discussed at a meeting of the Bradford East Area Committee on Monday.

Questions over funding for traffic calming measures in Bradford West

The objector, who did not attend, claimed drivers would be distracted at having to navigate speed bumps, and questioned whether such measures increase car pollution.

Highways officers said the safety of pedestrians, particularly pupils at the school, trumped these concerns.

Councillor Aislin Naylor (Lib Dem, Idle and Thackley) said: “While we have to take objections into consideration, I have to think primarily about the safety of children.

“There have been a number of crashes into the wall directly opposite Blakehill Primary. That could be a child. We need to make sure we put their safety first.”

She thanked children at the school who had engaged with parents and set up their own road safety campaign.

Members approved the scheme.