With exam season fast approaching for many students around the world, revision is a common procedure used to help students organise for tests, but it is not always used effectively. There are numerous reasons for this, including the fact that students may not always be familiar with the material they are revising. It is difficult to identify gaps in knowledge or subjects that need undue attention without a basic understanding of the material. Another reason could be that they are unmotivated to put forth the effort needed for successful revision. Many students may be unaware of the significance of revising and reviewing previously learned material. Finally, students may lack the necessary resources to effectively communicate. Finally, students might lack the necessary resources to effectively revise. It can be difficult to succeed in the revision process without having access to excellent study materials or outside assistance.  

Using a variety of techniques is the most efficient method to revise in 2023. However, the most effective for a majority of students are flashcards, which are cards that have a question on one side and an answer on the other. They are used to help learn and analyse information while strengthening your recognition memory. Flashcards can be used to ask specific questions about a topic or subject, such as math, history, or language. They can also be used to contrast two different concepts or ideas. Flashcards are a popular way to review and reinforce information in classrooms and study groups. Because they use both visual and verbal memory, flashcards are an effective tool for memorising information which is useful to recall specific information during an exam. Making your own flashcards also encourages active engagement with the material and can aid in identifying weak points for further study.