YORKSHIRE Wildlife Trust is urging dog owners to keep their pets on leads and under close control.

Experts say that dogs being off leads and away from owners is one of the biggest causes of wildlife disturbance – a particular concern when many species are breeding and vulnerable either on or near the ground.

It comes after a dog attacked a sheep at Stirley Nature Reserve in Huddersfield last week.

Karen McDiarmid, team leader, said: “The sheep recovered, but situations like this are distressing and cost us time and money in vets fees – precious resources that a charity like ours shouldn’t have to find.

“We ask everyone to please keep their dogs on leads, encourage others to do the same and keep to the routes we provide and maintain.”

Ground-nesting birds such as curlew, woodcock, and skylark are particularly at risk, while hedgehogs, hares and deer all may face disturbance, injury or even death.

Rachael Bice, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Chief Executive added: “Dog walking is one of the best reasons to get outdoors, feel great and enjoy our beautiful countryside. We thank every responsible dog owner who keeps their dog on a lead.

“I would feel awful if my dog were to cause damage to wildlife or livestock – it’s up to me to be responsible.”