AN ‘exceptionally inclusive and community-focused nursery’ has received another ‘Outstanding’ rating in its latest Ofsted Inspection.

Woodroyd Nursery and Children Centre on Woodroyd Road, Little Horton, Bradford, was visited by the education watchdog on January 4, 2023.

The nursery was rated ‘outstanding’ in every category including behaviour, quality of education, personal development, and leadership.

The report stated: “Children make excellent progress and staff, and leaders have very high ambitions for all children.

“Children become independent learners. They access a variety of resources that help them to develop their skills. For example, children create pictures using glue and art supplies.

“Children enjoy spending time in the large, well-resourced outdoor areas. They learn to navigate space as they push themselves along on ride-on toys.

“Children practice climbing and balancing on the play equipment. Staff encourage them to play outside in all weathers.

“This increases children's physical activity and builds their resilience and stamina.”

The nursery is a valued part of the community and staff provide families with help beyond childcare.

The report states that families and carers are supported socially, emotionally and practically, speaking with parents on how they can help their child’s development at home.

Children’s interests are taken into high regards as staff aim to work activities around their newfound interests.

“Staff respond in the moment to children's ever-changing interests and ideas. For instance, when children show an interest in aeroplanes, staff make paper planes for them to fly in the wind. Children excitedly throw their planes and watch how far they fly. This approach to learning helps them to stay highly engaged in their play.”

At this nursery children build their confidence by filling their water bottles on arrival and putting their fruit and snacks on their plates.

Staff encourage children to take turns and wait patiently for their turn on the swings. Children in this nursery are kind and respectful to each other and the staff.

Lindsay Roche, Nursery Manager,said: “We are extremely proud to announce our second Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ grade.

“Our team is extremely passionate about improving the lives of children and families and supporting children to reach their full potential.

“The hard work and dedication displayed by our team has been acknowledge once again by Ofsted and we have been able to maintain the ‘Outstanding’ grade that was achieved in 2017.

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our parents and carers for their continued support and for choosing to bring their children to our nursery.”