An allotment with a difference won this year’s Outstanding Contribution to the Earliest Years of Life Award.

The award celebrates the people who are positively influencing the life of babies, young children and their families.

Bowling Park Allotments and Gardens Society has been busy developing a safe, sensory rich educational space at the allotments.

The group’s nominator said: “They showed parents and young children how to look after plants and flowers, how to grow things and how to play with natural resources.

“They are kind, passionate and enthusiastic and a joy to be around with the children and parents.

“They have delivered over 60 sessions of grow your own and play sessions at the allotments, giving up so much of their own time to share their enthusiasm and love of being outside.

“They also welcomed over 80 families into the allotments as part of the Jubilee celebrations.”

A group of four society members went on stage to collect the award.

One volunteer said: “We’re really honoured to have received this. We didn’t expect it.

“We only do the work we do out of the goodness of our heart for the community.

“Thank you very much.”

At the time of the nomination, volunteer David Mitchell said: “Bowling Allotment and Garden Society are elated to have been nominated. It is an honour that all the hard work and effort the dedicated committee and supportive community have been recognised.

“We feel very privileged to have been nominated and will continue to support the wider community.”

The Award for Outstanding Contribution to Earliest Years of Life is sponsored by Better Start Bradford.

The Better Start Bradford programme, supported by The National Lottery Community Fund, helps children in Bowling and Barkerend, Bradford Moor and Little Horton get the best start in life.

They are providing more than 20 projects for pregnant women and families with children aged under four.

The projects will help to improve children’s emotional and social development, communication and language development and nutrition.

It is the seventh year that the organisation has sponsored the award in a bid to raise awareness of those who are having a huge impact the life of babies, young children and their families.

Reflecting on the inspiring award ceremony, Cllr Abdul Jabar, Bradford Council’s Executive Member for Neighbourhoods and Community Safety, said: “It is a real privilege to support this event and celebrate the many wonderful people from across the district who contribute so much.

“We know how fortunate we are to have so many kind, compassionate and generous people in our communities who make a selfless contribution and have a huge impact on our district.”