NINE people who handed in more than £2,000 in cash they found in public to police were allowed to keep it.

Data from a Freedom of Information (FOI) Act sent to West Yorkshire Police showed almost £10,000 in cash was handed over to the force across a three-month period this year.

This was money that was found in public by people or organisations that was subsequently given to police in July, August and September.

In total, £9,889.24 was handed in during those months with £5,023.14 returned to the owner of the cash, or person who had lost it, and £2,486 given back to those who found it.

The biggest beneficiary was someone who handed in £990 and was then allowed to keep it.

Another person received back £560 they had handed in, while the lowest amount returned to the finder of cash was £11.

One individual managed to find £2,770 of cash in public and handed that over to police.

This money was subsequently returned to its owner.

The second highest amount of cash found that was returned to its owner was £860 – given in by an individual.

In total, 96 people or organisations handed money in cash to the force during July, August and September.