A MEAT processing centre was converted to a small supermarket without planning permission – but the business could still continue running.

On Wednesday Bradford Council will decide whether to approve a retrospective planning application to convert the former Khawaja Poultry at the Southfield Road/Little Horton Lane Junction into a Euro Fresh Supermarket.

The building was converted earlier this summer, and Bradford Council has an open planning enforcement case against the business.

Khawaja Local submitted a retrospective plan to allow the business to continue earlier this year.

The company build the poultry centre in 2014, but the application says: “The business, although starting in packaging and distribution centring around poultry, has become more community centred.

“The client has confirmed that it became apparent that after the opening on the site in 2014 that there was a demand for a local shop for the local community.

“It has grown out of small demand locally with a customer base built up from local families asking for poultry products and then by popular demand increased to vegetables direct from the distributor.”

A decision on whether to grant the application will be made by the Council’s Bradford Area Planning Panel at a meeting on Wednesday morning.

A report to members recommends the plan be approved.

It says: “The site is currently operating as a small supermarket and there is an open enforcement case investigating this breach in planning control.

“Due to the relatively small size of the retail unit and the nature of the retail offer which is unlikely to attract people from further away than the local area, the proposed development is not seen as a threat to the vitality and viability of the designated shopping centres within the district.”

Online the store is advertised as being open 24/7.

However, if approved, one condition is likely to be that the store can only open between 9am and 6pm on Monday to Saturday, and 10am to 4pm on Sunday.

The report says: “A condition restricting the opening hours is recommended to prevent possible disturbance in the early hours or late into the evening.”

Some objectors have raised concerns that the site also hosts a street food unit in the supermarket car park.

Members of the committee will hear that there is also a separate planning enforcement case against this business.

The report says: “The static unit currently located within the car park is unauthorised and currently under investigation by the enforcement team and does not form part of this application or any approval of planning permission.”