A RETROSPECTIVE application for a chai tea shop on Leeds Road, Bradford, has been refused a second time.

The company behind Dudh Pathi argued that their business had incorrectly been classed as a café or take away when planning officers refused the plan last year.

They argued that instead it was a tea stall that sold hot and cold drinks, as well as cakes and sandwiches.

But a second application has now been refused, with officers arguing that the business is indeed a take away.

The building was erected in a car parking area next to Thornbury Carpets on Leeds Road in 2020. A planning application was submitted afterwards.

Planning officers refused that plan, claiming it could jeopardise a separate plan to build industrial units on the site.

They also said the business would be within 400 metres of Laisterdyke Leadership Academy, and go against planning policies that prevent new take aways from opening within 400 metres of a school.

The new application said: “Every effort has been made in this proposal to meet planning policies.”

But planning officers said: “The siting of the structure in this location will adversely affect the provision off street car parking within the site.

“The proposal will be sited within 321m of Laisterdyke Leadership Academy and will result in a significantly adverse impact on the promotion of healthy lifestyles for young adults and teenagers.”