TWO sites in Bradford have been put forward as possible “investment zones” – but uncertainty remains over the recently announced Government scheme.

A “Southern Gateway” to the city centre and the area around the M606 in the south of the city are both on a list presented to government by West Yorkshire Combined Authority.

In September, the Government announced a new policy to boost business growth in certain areas of the country - Investment Zones.

Businesses would be offered incentives to move into these zones, including vastly reduced business rates, Stamp Duty Land Tax and Employer National Insurance Contributions relief.

They would also benefit from a ‘liberalised planning process’ – meaning they could avoid much of the planning rules currently in place.

It was hoped that companies would rush to invest in these areas with many of the financial and bureaucratic constraints lifted.

All Mayoral Authorities were ordered by Government to submit a list of possible sites for Investment Zones within 10 days.

The Southern Gateway is a section of Bradford between Manchester Road and Leeds Road, and could include the Bradford stop on Northern Powerhouse Rail if Government decides to go ahead with the rail scheme.

The South Bradford site refers to land to the West of the M606 – near the former Richard Dunn Centre and Odsal Stadium.

Both areas had been promoted by Bradford Council as ripe for investment.

Other sites proposed for West Yorkshire include the Clifton Business Park area near Brighouse, Dewsbury Riverside, the Stansfield Road area of Castleford and the Chidswell area near Batley.

The issue was discussed by West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Place, Regeneration and Housing Committee on Thursday.

Members were told that the Authority was waiting to hear back from Government on the next step, but there was uncertainty over whether it would be another policy that faces the chop.

Alison Gillespie, head of place and environment policy at the Authority, said: “Without further information from Government we have no idea of the next steps or the time scale.

“We are waiting for information over whether the policy will go ahead at all.”

Councillor Jane Scullion from Calderdale Council said: “I understand Michael Gove is looking to review the Investment Zone policy – particularly the issues surrounding the backlash do to with the possible environmental issues of the plan.

“Our officers will have to work hard to keep up with all the changes in Government pol-icy.”