A TEENAGER who sped off from the police in a stolen Range Rover within fifteen minutes of it disappearing off a woman’s driveway has been locked up for two years.

Muhammad Uwais was on bail and committing his second offence of dangerous driving when he accelerated off down Manningham Lane, Bradford, in the £14,000 vehicle at 3.45am on June 16.

Prosecutor Ian Cook told Bradford Crown Court today that Uwais, 19, of Maidstone Street, Bradford Moor, Bradford, had previous convictions for house burglary and driving while disqualified.

He was spotted by the police driving the Range Rover at speed in convoy with a car and made off at 100mph.

He did 104mph along Queens Road, taking a bend at 78mph on Bolton Road and narrowly missing a Royal Mail lorry on Killinghall Road.

Uwais mounted the pavement on Lapage Street, drove down a footpath and abandoned the vehicle. He was chased and detained.

Mr Cook said the first offence of dangerous driving took place at 8pm on October 14, 2020, when the defendant was 17.

He was pursued by the police in Birkenshaw while driving a VW Golf on Bradford Road.

Uwais sped off, running red lights, and driving over a children’s play area and a skate park.

The pursuit lasted 25 minutes and circled a residential area at high speeds.

Uwais pleaded guilty to two offences of dangerous driving, driving while disqualified and uninsured, and dishonestly handling the stolen Range Rover.

Laura McBride said in mitigation that he was a youth of 17 when he committed the first offence of dangerous driving.

She conceded that he was on bail for the second offences when he was 18. He had since spent five months on remand and custody had been a shock to him.

He was now free from cannabis and had built bridges with his parents. He had a job lined up and he had been working in HMP Doncaster as a cleaner.

Judge Ahmed Nadim said Uwais had previous convictions and had breached a community order. At that time he was unable or unwilling to lead a lifestyle within the confines of the law.

He was still a young man and it would be a terrible waste of his life if he continued to behave in this way. His sentences would just get longer.

Uwais was locked up in a young offender institution for a total of two years.

He was banned from driving for two years on his release and until he passes an extended test.