Leeds planners have given the green light for a huge new conference centre to be built in the city, despite widespread opposition in neighbouring Harrogate.

An events space is set to be built along the road from Leeds Arena, on the site of the old Yorkshire Bank Headquarters on Merrion Way, which are now set to be demolished to make way for the development.

Harrogate Convention Centre claims the move will suck business away from the North Yorkshire town.

Planning permission for the scheme in principle was given unanimously by a committee of Leeds councillors on Thursday.

Plans for events venue and industrial units on derelict Bradford site are approved

Paula Lorimer, the director of Harrogate Convention Centre had earlier told the meeting that she would have no issue with Leeds building a smaller conference venue.

But she told councillors: “The proposed development would in direct competition with Harrogate Convention Centre.

“Ultimately the town of Harrogate would be adversely affected as a consequence.”

But Martin Farrington, Leeds City Council’s director of city development, compared the objections to those of Sheffield, when Leeds Arena was built a decade ago.

He said that on that occasion, Sheffield leaders had been concerned about the future of their own arena, but that those fears had proved unfounded.

He told councillors: “Standing still is not an option.

“Holding back the development of Leeds to protect another city was not the answer in 2010 and it’s not the answer now.”