Details of a £5.7m support package for Bradford’s most vulnerable residents will be discussed at a meeting on Tuesday.

A report on the new Anti-Poverty Strategy will go to a meeting of Bradford Council’s Executive on Tuesday.

The report highlights the work the council is doing now to support communities.

Working with partners, Community Action Bradford and District and Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership, the council recently launched a website to help people access support with the cost of living crisis -

The council has also laid out a £5.7m support package to help the most vulnerable this winter using the Household Support Fund.

The majority of the money, around £3.55m, will be used to make direct payments to low income households. Every household in receipt of council tax reduction will get a £65 payment towards increased fuel costs with an additional £20 one-off payment per child in the household for food. Anyone who qualifies will automatically be sent a voucher, by post, in December.

Around £1.1m is being given to voluntary and community groups across the district to provide healthy food hampers to families in need.

Extra funds are being given to foodbanks and money has been allocated to help set up a network of warm spaces across the district. People can find their nearest warm space on the website