WEST and North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce has appointed Alice Ingram as its new business engagement manager.

Alice will join the Chamber’s policy team and be charged with representing businesses across the York and North Yorkshire Chamber network.

Alice’s role will deal with company leaders, councils, the Local Enterprise Partnership and, as of 2024, an elected metro mayor for the region.

She joins from the AD:VENTURE programme where she worked as an adviser for the City of York’s start-up community.

Previously she has worked in both London and Hong Kong for organisations such as Coca Cola, and in York for Nestle, where she acted as a brand manager. She also ran her own enterprises, from a painting and decorating business to a marketing consultancy.

Ms Ingram said: “I’m excited to be taking on this role at a time when businesses around the country need the full range of help and support that the Chamber can offer.”


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