A POLICE officer had to jump into a moving vehicle being driven by a woman who was more than five times over the limit.

West Yorkshire Police's Bradford South Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) were out on patrol in the Wyke area on Friday evening.

They suddenly spotted a vehicle coming towards them which was straddling the white lines on Huddersfield Road.

The vehicle then almost crashed into parked cars, before mounting the kerb on the wrong side of the road and narrowly avoiding a collision with an oncoming vehicle.

A police officer had to enter the moving vehicle to physically stop the driver.

Police attempted to conduct a roadside breath test but the driver, a 48-year-old female, refused.

She was arrested for this, on suspicion of being unfit to drive through drinking.

The woman gave a breath test in custody and she blew a reading of 193 micrograms (mg).

The alcohol limit for drivers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is 35mg per 100 millilitres of breath.

She was charged with driving while unfit through drink and is awaiting a day in court.

A spokesperson for Bradford South NPT said: "Drink driving is a fatal 4 offence, meaning it is in the top four contributors to road deaths.

"Bradford South Neighbourhood Team will take action against any person who goes out driving whilst in drink.

"Don’t drink and drive."