IT can be hard for parents to know how to approach topics like racism. It’s natural to want to shield your child, but as we mark Black History Month, this is an opportunity to start important conversations about race and diversity.

While we take time to celebrate the influence and achievements of black people everywhere, we can also help young people understand what racism is, and what they can do if they experience it, or see it happening.

In 2020/21 the NSPCC’s Childline service delivered 285 counselling sessions where racist bullying, racism or being bullied for spiritual, cultural or religious reasons were mentioned. When someone is treated differently because of their colour, nationality, ethnicity, or citizenship, this is racism. It’s a form of abuse that is distressing for children or young people who witness it and is considered a hate crime. It’s vital to encourage positive and open conversations about race and racism with children and young people and it’s important to talk about this issue early too, as research shows children can internalise racial bias between the ages of two and four. It can help to frame the conversation using examples of fairness, how to be kind and accepting others for who they are, to start these discussions. With older children, let them lead the conversation so they feel confident sharing their ideas or experiences with you.

It’s understandable to feel uncomfortable talking about things we may not know much about, so if you’re worried about how to answer a question your child has about racism or equality the best thing to do is learn together with your child. The NSPCC website offers support for parents.

Try looking at recent news stories, history and cultures as conversation starters. It can also be helpful to explain to children that we’re not all the same and that is a good thing. This in turn encourages conversation, understanding and empathy from children.

If your child discloses that they’ve experienced racial bullying or abuse, listen and try to remain calm. This can be distressing for both you and your child, but there are steps you can take to prevent it happening again. If the experience happened at school, raise concerns with the headteacher or another senior member of staff and get a mediator involved to discuss the situation. This could be a school staff member or a family member, it’s important to tell the school as they have a responsibility to protect the child too.

Our NSPCC website has guidance on talking about or dealing with racism and our Childline counsellors are here too. Call 0800 1111 or visit