A BRADFORD district man, who admitted to touching a child, has avoided jail.

Matthew Samuel, of Spring Place in Keighley, was given a suspended sentence when he appeared at Bradford Crown Court on Friday.

The 33-year-old admitted charges of assaulting a child under the age of 13, by touching.

Prosecutor David McGonigal outlined how Samuel had grabbed the child's stomach over their clothing and squeezed their leg before they felt something move towards their bottom.

Whilst he was doing all this, his eyes were shut and the child repeatedly told him to stop.

Samuel also tried putting his hands down the child's bottoms but the child moved away, the court heard.

The incident is said to have had a "devastating effect" on the child.

Sohail Khan, defending, said his client had no recollection of what happened as he was intoxicated at the time.

Judge Jonathan Gibson said Samuel was a "man of good character but that all changed."

He added that Samuel knew what he was doing.

Samuel had no previous convictions and is said to have shown clear remorse, believing he deserved to go to jail for what he did.

Judge Rose felt prison would have a huge impact on Samuel's family, home and income and there was a good prospect of rehabilitation.

Samuel will have to complete 20 Rehabilitation Activity Requirement days and 150 hours of unpaid work.

He was also given a Sexual Harm Prevention Order of 10 years and has to pay £500 in court costs.