A PAEDOPHILE councillor has been jailed after sexually assaulting a schoolgirl.

Martyn Wood, 40, of Parkwood Rise in Keighley, was sentenced to six years and eight months in prison at Leeds Crown Court today.

He had pleaded guilty to the sexual assault of a girl under 13 by penetration with a part of his body, namely his finger, on September 30.

Wood, who sat on Keighley Town Council representing the Morton and Sandbeds wards, had also chaired the Town Council's planning committee.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Martyn Wood, 40, of of Parkwood Rise in Keighley. Picture: West Yorkshire PoliceMartyn Wood, 40, of of Parkwood Rise in Keighley. Picture: West Yorkshire Police (Image: West Yorkshire Police)

During the sexual assault, the child asked him to stop but he interrupted her and started talking about a movie.

Richard Woolfall, for the prosecution, said the young girl had to make an “excuse” before Wood stopped.

A victim impact statement from the girl’s mother, read out in court on her behalf, said the girl had been happy and content at the time and used to think of the good in the world.

The court heard how the young girl is now abrupt in her behaviour and refused to eat for a time, saying she was not hungry.

It has impacted her daughter’s sleep, and it is leaving her exhausted.

The mother also said the most upsetting thing is that her daughter blames herself for what happened.

She said: “She blames herself for what happened, she thinks she is at fault, no matter how much I tell her she is not, she won’t listen.”

His Honour Judge Mairs said: “As is often the case with children who have suffered this kind of abuse, she wrongly blames herself.”

In mitigation, Jeremy Hill-Baker, Wood’s defence lawyer, said his client was previously of exemplary character, who undertook community work, and had pleaded guilty at the first opportunity.

Mr Hill-Baker said: “He has in effect now lost everything."

The defence lawyer added: “Nothing I have said so far is to diminish the terrible consequences of what he did.”

Judge Mairs imposed a Sexual Harm Order alongside the prison sentence.

Wood will also be on the Sex Offenders Register for the rest of his life and is now on the Barred List, meaning he will be prevented from ever working with children or vulnerable adults.