BINGLEY’S pool could be re-opened and a new covered market area created in the town square if a £14 million bid for cash is successful.

The pool, which shut last year, is the subject of a bid by Bradford Council to the Government’s Levelling Up fund.

If approved, the inside of the pool building would be transformed, with new leisure facilities as well as an improved pool.

The bid was initially announced last month, although detail was light.

A new report into Bradford’s Levelling Up bids released this week reveals more detail about what will be done in the town if Government backs the bid.

Under the Government’s Levelling Up fund, Councils can apply for funding of up to £20m for each constituency.

The Bingley plan is Bradford Council’s submission for the Shipley constituency.

The report, which will go before Bradford Council’s Executive on Tuesday, acknowledges that the closure of the pool has impacted the town’s health.

It says the work – dubbed Revitalising Bingley, will create a “remodelled leisure offer” with a new pool, gym, studio facilities, improve disabled access and changing facilities created within the existing building.

There would also be space for the town’s Youth Café as well as cycle storage and E-V charging points.

The bid also aims to make better use of the town’s square.

The market square will be partially covered to encourage greater use by stall holders all year round. The space will be lit up by photovoltaic panels on the canopy.

And a new arts trail and public realm work would link the square, pool and Main Street.

Bradford Council first announced its plans to shut the pool in 2013 – with the plan being to replace it with a facility in the North of Bradford.

But this shake up of swimming facilities was massively scaled back, leaving Bingley facing the prospect of having no nearby pool.

The report going to the Executive acknowledges the impact the loss of the pool has had on the town, saying: “Reopening the pool and providing an enhanced offer will address the issue of affordability of travelling out of area for many in the town, including many clubs and local schools.

“Community engagement evidences the negative impact the pool closure has had on the wellbeing of the residents and reopening the pool will help address the health metrics where Bingley performs poorly, namely coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and mental health.”

Referring to the work to the market, the report said: “The interventions are designed to increase footfall, dwell time and visitor numbers to the town, attract potential investment and create pride in place.

“The Revitalising Bingley proposal is requesting funding of £14,462,212 against total expected project costs of £16,069,124.”

A decision on whether the bids are successful was expected to be announced next month, although it is unclear whether recent changes in Government will push that date back.