ILKLEY Cricket Club has been refused planning permission to retain four advertising boards which provide vital revenue of around £4,000 per annum for the club.

The club had already installed the advertising boards on a roadside verge on the north side of Denton Road within Middleton Conservation Area.

Giving reasons for refusal, a report by a Bradford Council planning officer says: "The display of the advertisements introduces an incongruous commercial display to Denton Road that is out of keeping with the semi-rural character of the area and detrimental to the interests of amenity. The signs are visually intrusive and form a discordant feature that does not preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Middleton Conservation Area."

In its application the club said one of the one signs had been in situ for around 15 years, but the planning officer said this was not substantiated by evidence.

The club had offered to discuss changes to colours to make the signs more uniform, and to work with the council to maintain the grass verge. However, this was rejected.

The planning officer's report added: "Whilst recognising that the Club is a valuable local asset and needs to generate sponsorship income, this does not provide sufficient justification to outweigh the harm to amenity identified."