A "depressed" father-of-four died after accidentally overdosing on morphine at his Bradford home.

An inquest heard how Patrick Durkin, 50, a labourer, of Sticker Lane, Bradford, suffered from pancreatitis brought on by heavy drinking.

Before his death, Mr Durkin had been taking regular doses of the liquid morphine solution Oramorph.

Bradford Coroner's Court heard how, on January 7 this year, Mr Durkin took a fatal dose of morphine after returning home from a heavy drinking session at his local pub.

The inquest was told Mr Durkin had threatened to end his own life on several occasions after becoming depressed four years ago when one of his sons, Shaun Durkin, died at the age of 23 - but Bradford coroner Roger Whittaker concluded that he had never intended to carry out the threats.

Recording a verdict of accidental death, Mr Whittaker said: "My conclusion is that he accidentally took more Oramorph than he was used to having and that's what caused his death."

In a statement read out in court, Kevin Durkin, another of Mr Durkin's sons, said his father was in a lot of pain and that's why he was taking more than the prescribed amount of Oramorph.