It was all hands to the pumps at a Bradford pub when sewage from a blocked drain flooded the boozer.

Landlord Malcolm Stevenson had to get regulars to abandon ship when a surge of unpleasantness from the waste pipes rose through the pub.

Now the Prince of Orange in Carr House Road, Shelf, has had to be shut to punters while the pub is scrubbed to get rid of the mess - and the smell.

Malcolm said: "It all backed up and came in through the gents toilet.

"It smells rotten. It was like a flood of slime coming through the pub, disgusting things.

"It stank and it has ruined my carpets."

He said a foul smell filled the pub at about 9.30pm on Tuesday. A blockage in the drains on Carr House Road caused the waste to back up and the only way for it to go was back where it came from - the toilet.

Mr Stevenson said: "There were nine or ten people in the pub. It was smelly and horrible.

"When the excrement started to surge out people were squealing and some got up and walked out in disgust.

"I just asked everybody to sup up and leave. I can't serve beer when this is happening."

The pub is now closed until further notice so that it can be fully cleaned and so Yorkshire Water and contractors DrainsAid can investigate the cause of the flood.

Mr Stevenson said: "I can't believe it - I have to replace all my stuff, some of my stock is ruined, I'm going to have no income while we are closed. I just have to sit tight."

A spokesman for Yorkshire Water said: "The flooding was caused by a blockage in the sewer which may have been from people putting unsuitable things down the toilets anywhere on that road - things like fat which should not be poured down toilets.

"Yorkshire Water investigated the sewage escape at the pub. Contractors DrainsAid attended later in the evening. We used a large jet to clear the severe blockage.

"Cameras will be sent down the pipes to see exactly what is down there.

"We will be refunding the pub's sewage charges for a year and we are sending out our contractors Rainbow to help with the clear up as a goodwill gesture."