Bradford Bulls star Glenn Morrison taught youngsters trying to keep fit and lose weight the tricks of his trade.

The Prop Idol scheme was launched last year to help children at risk of becoming obese.

The youngsters aged eight to 14 undergo a one-hour physical activity session with Bulls coaches before taking part in a workshop on healthy eating and activity.

This week the 16 participants were put through their paces by the Australian forward, who taught them basic rugby skills to help them improve their fitness.

Bradford Council's assistant director for leisure services Phil Barker said: "The Prop Idol initiative plays a crucial role in our effort to promote the message that regular exercise and a balanced diet can really help us all lead healthier lives.

"It is great to be working with the Bradford Bulls and also the Bradford and Airedale tPCT, so we can offer expert advice to youngsters and their families."

The sessions were extended at the beginning of this year to cover Keighley as well as Bradford, and now take place at Richard Dunn Sports Centre and Keighley's Leisure Centre.

Anyone interested in taking part should call Katherine Robertshaw, the Council's community sports coach for childhood obesity, on (01274) 618978. The sessions in Keighley are still running on Mondays from 4.15pm to 5.15pm at 60p a session. A girls-only session will start on Wednesday, June 4, from 4pm to 5pm.

l In addition, the Council is calling for volunteers to help run a Senior Sports Academy it is organising along with Bradford Disability Sport and Leisure.

The joint venture provides classes for people aged between 15 and 25 with disabilities, and takes place every Wednesday at Manningham Sports Centre between 5.30pm and 7pm.

The free academy has been organised as part of the Council's b-active campaign and will provide year-long sports opportunities, training and competition.

Volunteers are now needed to help with the running of the courses, which include basketball, football, athletics, swimming, short tennis and tag rugby. To volunteer call Rob Cooper on (01274) 437093.