Optician Mandip Rehal is planning a trip to Africa to restore the sight of hundreds of people who do not have access to basic eye care.

The senior optician at Specsavers in Idle is making the trip to Ghana for the Ashanti Development organisation to coincide with her store's 20th anniversary.

Mandip will fit more than 1,500 people with recycled glasses. Also, thanks to sponsorship from Specsavers' founder Dame Mary Perkins, an eye surgeon will be performing cataract surgery to those most in need.

Mandip and her team will be in Ghana from May 30 to June 14 and hope to treat 200 people every day, performing sight tests and fitting glasses.

Mandip said: "This is my first overseas trip of this nature and will provide me with a unique opportunity to utilise my skills to help those who have experienced problems with their sight. I am sure the trip will prove to be highly emotional, but incredibly worthwhile and rewarding.

The team at Idle Specsavers have been absolutely fantastic and have been completely behind my trip.

"The director has also kindly paid for my whole venture, so I would like to thank them for giving me this fantastic opportunity."