PLANS to replace two phone booths with more modern models with digital advertising screens have been refused over fears they might distract drivers.

New World Payphones, which owns and operates numerous phone booths across Bradford, recently revealed plans to remove several 1990s models and replace them with sleek, modern versions.

These modern versions would have large digital advertisements on the rear side of the booth.

Many of the applications, including ones for booths on Westgate and Great Horton Road, have already been approved.

But plans to replace two on Barkerend Road have been refused.

One related to the phone booth outside Barkerend Health Centre, and the other at the junction with Hendford Drive.

Planning officers said the large digital adverts would distract drivers as they approached busy junctions and crossings.

On the Hendforth Drive booth officers said: “The advertisement display would present a distraction to drivers approaching the signalised junction.”

And referring to the one outside the health centre, officers said: “The kiosk would be located within 3 - 4 busy controlled pedestrian crossing points on Barkerend Road with a health centre located to the south and three schools in close proximity to the north.

“The advertisement would present a distraction to drivers approaching the crossing point raising pedestrian and highway safety concerns.”