An Italian cafe and restaurant’s plan to open later and extend its licensed hours has sparked opposition from locals.

2 Sardi, on Harrogate Road in Rawdon, wants permission to sell alcohol alongside meals until 10pm, every day of the week.

Its current licence only allows it to do so until 5pm.

Rawdon Parish Council is among those who’ve objected to the idea, although they said they would be content with an extension to 8pm instead.

In their written objection ahead of a hearing on Tuesday, the council claimed the proposal “would increase the impact on adjacent residential properties which could constitute a public nuisance.”

It added: “The parish council could support an extension to 8pm as applies to other premises in the area and for indoor consumption only, so as not to adversely affect the adjacent residential property and to meet the licensing objective of prevention of public nuisance.”

Rawdon’s two Conservative representatives on the city council, Couns Paul Wadsworth and Paul Alderson, expressed similar sentiments.

In a joint objection, they said 2 Sardi’s plan “would have a negative impact on local residents who lived in the area”.

In their application, 2 Sardi said: “The sale/supply of alcohol shall only be made to accompany the sale of food.”

A panel of three councillors will decide whether or not the licence can be extended at next week’s hearing.