FOUR men linked to criminal activity were arrested after a large hunting knife was found in the car they were in.

On Wednesday, PC Hardie Roads from Traffic Policing was in company with PCSO Serban in Sowerby Bridge when a vehicle came to their attention.

Upon stopping the vehicle, PC Hardie noticed a large hunting knife in the driver’s door pocket.

Three other males were in the vehicle and checks revealed they were linked to criminal activity.

A police spokesperson said: "Operation Hawmill is a success in not only tackling the fatal four offences of drug/drink driving, speeding, mobile phone use and seatbelts but also stops criminals having free run of the roads. 

"Operation Hawmill is funded by the Calderdale Community Safety Partnership and is in addition to officers’ normal duties."

Before the arrests were made, several Traffic Offence Reports were issued to drivers for various offences.