A BID to demolish a building at St Luke’s Hospital to make way for new operating theatres has been approved.

Bradford Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust plans to create two new day case operating theatres at St Luke’s Hospital to deal with the “vulnerability” of its current facilities, and to reduce the backlog for minor surgeries.

The Trust says a records building on the site, which is no longer used, is in the ideal location for the theatres.

An application to demolish this building was refused by Bradford Council earlier this year over a lack of information.

A second application, detailing how the building will be demolished and what precautions will be taken to secure the demolition site, was submitted this summer, and has now been approved by planning officers.

In their application the trust said an application to create a pre-fabricated theatre facility would be submitted once demolition consent had been secured.

The natural stone the records building is constructed of will be collected and re-used.