THE National Trust has expressed regret that the Field Studies Council is looking to close its outdoors education centre at Malham Tarn.

Earlier this month, the Craven Herald revealed that the FSC was consulting with staff about closing its Field Studies Centre based at Tarn House, former home of Victorian politician and philanthropist Walter Morrison, at the end of October.

Thousands of school pupils, students, teachers and lecturers have visited the field studies centre over the years. One, who had visited the site as a sixth-former, contacted the Herald to say how their trip to the centre had been an 'unforgettable experience'.

The FSC, which has leased the house and grounds from the National Trust since 1947, after it failed to sell at auction and its then owner, a relative of Mr Morrison 'gifted' it to the nation, told staff the centre was becoming 'less commercially viable every year'.

In a letter to staff, it said: "The reason for this proposal is that the Field Studies Council can no longer justify continuing operations at Malham Tarn due to the considerable constraints of its physical location and the lease, coupled with rising costs, all of which mean the centre is becoming less financially viable each year.

"This proposal would lessen the burden on FSC’s financial situation post-Covid, help to ensure the future security of the charity and allow us to focus our limited resources on delivering our charitable objectives elsewhere in the charity."

In a statement, the FSC said it was currently consulting on a proposal to hand back the lease and no formal decision would be made until the consultation had ended.

A spokesperson for the National Trust said: “There has always been a close working relationship between the two organisations, with the tenancy agreement in place since 1947. We’re unable to give specific details of the tenancy agreement held between the National Trust and Field Studies Council, however a number of supporting actions were agreed between the two organisations as part of a robust and joined up package of support, to help sustain the Field Studies Council’s business post pandemic and ensuing lockdowns.

"We understand that sadly, the Field Studies Council are currently consulting on a proposal to end their lease of Tarn House at Malham Tarn, and that this is a very difficult time for their staff affected by this action.”

It is understood that the consultation will end early in September.