MANNINGHAM Housing Association (MHA) has appointed a Community Partnerships and Investment Manager. 

Sadar Uddin will work with the association’s partners and stakeholders to deliver economic and social wellbeing improvement projects.

Lee Bloomfield, MHA Chief Executive, said: “We are really pleased that Sadar is joining us to lead on the continued rolling out of our Community Investment Strategy which was launched shortly before the first Covid lockdown in 2020 and has made a real difference to many people’s lives.

“It was devised to strengthen community resilience and, especially through our award-winning Building Bridges Bradford project which attracted significant external funding, we have achieved remarkable levels of success across the district.

“With the onset of new challenges headed by the ever-deepening cost of living crisis, Sadar is an ideal fit to enable us to maintain the forward momentum our hard-earned reputation for excellence is built on.”  

Mr Uddin said: “I am delighted to be here with Manningham Housing Association.

“Meeting colleagues from different teams with various roles and responsibilities, it is clear that everyone is strongly committed to a single goal, which is to provide good quality housing and related services to communities living in the Bradford and Keighley catchment area and beyond."

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