THE incoming president of Keighley Lions has presented a cheque for £2,400 to Yorkshire Cancer Research after compiling a recipe book of favourite recipes gathered from herself, family and friends, including those from the Canadian side of her family.

Carole Ogden started putting the book together before Covid and on its completion has been selling copies for £5 each.

Several print runs were done and she said she was thrilled with the response.

She has now donated all the proceeds raised so far to Mary Parker, chair of Yorkshire Cancer Research.

"The idea came as the charity Lions, being one of the biggest service organisations in the world, was celebrating 100 years of 'lionism' so I thought what better way to mark the milestone than to raise money for the cancer charity; cancer having touched so many of our lives." explained Carole.

The book is still available by ringing Carole on 01535 602031.