A BRADFORD 16-year-old appeared in court after he was caught with two interlocking knives.

The teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons due to his young age, appeared before West Yorkshire Youth Court, in Bradford and Keighley Magistrates’ Court earlier this month.

He was charged with the possession of a knife blade/sharp-pointed article in a public place.

According to court documents, the offence happened on June 5 this year on a residential street in the Laisterdyke area.

The 16-year-old pleaded guilty to the charge on June 20 and his plea was considered when sentencing.

He was referred to the Bradford Youth Offender panel for a period of three months.

The court also ordered him to pay a £22 surcharge to fund victim services, as well as £85 costs to the Crown Prosecution Service.

The two interlocking knives will be forfeited and destroyed by West Yorkshire Police, court documents state.

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