PLANS to build housing on Green Belt land in Burley-in-Wharfedale have been refused for a second time.

The application for 43 homes on land off Burley Bypass was submitted a little over a year after plans for 49 homes on the same site were refused by Bradford Council.

Submitted by Jomast Developments and Stonewater Homes, the application included a “community car park” as well as new area of public open space.

The new application described the plans as “a good quality and well-informed development scheme relating to the erection of up to 43 affordable dwellings.”

Like the previous application, the latest plans attracted a huge number of objections, with 138 people writing to the Council urging them to refuse the plans.

Planning officers have now dismissed the scheme, citing 10 reasons for refusal.

These included that the homes were “inappropriate development” for the Green Belt, that they would harm the Burley Conservation Area, which contains a number of listed buildings, and that “this proposed development together with the intensified use of the site and the additional vehicular traffic is likely to contribute to the deterioration of the current rural environmental characteristics of the area.”

Officers also said the planned layout of the homes was poor – giving too much priority to cars.