AN INDEPENDENT chair has been appointed to the Bradford District Health and Care Partnership to lead a new committee responsible for making decisions about how NHS resources are used

Craven resident, Elaine Appelbee MBE, will be taking up the reins on July 1.

The NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) is a new statutory organisation that will be established on the same day. It will be part of the West Yorkshire Integrated Care System (ICS) – known as the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.

Elaine brings a wealth of experience in public and social enterprise organisations, having held senior leadership positions across Bradford District and Craven.

She said: “I’m a firm believer in the strengths of people and communities, the very strengths we will need as we look to meet our challenges head on.

“I very much look forward to being part of our journey as we look to level the playing field across our communities by putting them at the centre of our decision making alongside our skilled health and care workforce from across our partnership.”

Mel Pickup, of Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, added: “To secure someone of the calibre of Elaine, who brings with her a wealth of experience locally and nationally, is a really positive development for our partnership.”