A FIRST YEAR law student at the University of Bradford has already got one victory under his belt as he won a brand-new car, following success in a series of live mock trials.

Hussain Alkachkach won the competition sponsored by Bradford law firm Proctor & Hobbs as he took on the role of the defence in a mock trial involving a Youtuber accused of assault occasioning bodily harm.

Hussain, who hopes to become a barrister, said: “When I found out I’d won, I was lost for words.

“It’s amazing and I’m so pleased to have won a car.

“I just did my best in the mock trials, but I thought everyone who took part did an amazing job.

“The event itself is great because it allows you to build your skills and gain confidence while you are still learning. I hope one day to be a barrister, and to make a positive contribution.”

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Participants in the mock trial held at the Lady Hale Court Participants in the mock trial held at the Lady Hale Court

Lecturer and solicitor Tuiya Tembo said: “We are delighted the mock trials have been staged for a second time and that they will continue to be an annual fixture. Events such as these are so important, because they allow students to test their knowledge and skills in the very realistic setting of our very own mock court, Lady Hale Court.

"Each of the students put up a fierce fight and I would like to say well done to each of them.”

Law firm Proctor & Hobbs donated a smart car as first prize, as they did last year.

Aneesa Ehsan, who graduated in law from the University in 2014 and is a founding partner of Proctor & Hobbs, said: “We are pleased to have sponsored this competition for the second year running as part of our commitment to working with the community and supporting the future generation.”

Alan Bridger, a Partner at Proctor & Hobbs officiated the award ceremony and congratulated all the candidates, encouraging them to take up all opportunities available to them to prepare them as lawyers of tomorrow.

The Head of the School of Law, Prof Engobo Emeseh added: “This event demonstrates our commitment as a school together with our partners to ensure our students get the very best of experiences while studying because at the end of the day the practice of law is about the legal skills and not just the knowledge.”

Prof. Amir Sharif, Dean of the Faculty of Management, Law and Social Sciences, said: " Well done to all students who took part and were recognised for their efforts. It is a testament to their skill, tenacity and abilities.”

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