RESIDENTS in Kirklees will be offered advice on protecting themselves from criminal exploitation next week.

Kirklees Police and Safer Kirklees will give advice on cuckooing, a crime where gangs use a vulnerable person’s address as a place to commit crime.

The sessions will take place at the Sainsbury’s car park on Southgate, Huddersfield from 10am to 12.30pm on Monday, 20 June and at the Morrisons car park on Penistone Road from 1pm to 3pm later that day.

Police will also join forces with Safer Kirklees to offer workshops for professionals and volunteers to help them spot the signs of the offence.

The workshops will be held at the Old Court Room in Huddersfield Town Hall on Thursday, 23 June from 10.30am to 12pm and at Dewsbury Town Hall on Friday, 24 June from 10.30am to 12.00pm.