WITH summer approaching, warmer weather and longer days offer the perfect opportunity to pack up the car and hit the road. But what can start out as a fun, relaxing day in the sunshine can have tragic consequences for dogs, who can suffer from heat exhaustion from being left in a car.

PDSA Vet Nurse Nina Downing says: “Leaving a dog in a car on a warm day, even in a shaded location with the windows open, can create a potentially fatal situation. Parked cars can reach incredibly high temperatures within minutes which inevitably will cause a dog’s body temperature to rise very quickly, leading to heatstroke. Heatstroke can cause seizures, organ failure, and even death.

No matter what season it is, if you see a dog in distress left unattended in a car, you should always act quickly.”

*What to do if you see a dog in a hot car: “Assess the situation. If the dog is panting heavily, appears lethargic or drowsy, is drooling excessively or is vomiting or unresponsive, they could be showing signs of heatstroke - in which case seek help immediately.

“Many people’s first response in this situation may be to contact an animal welfare organisation, but these inspectors don’t have powers of entry and will require police assistance. It’s best to call 999 - heatstroke is a life-threatening situation and, sadly, police regularly deal with these incidents.

“If the dog isn’t displaying obvious signs of heatstroke, try to establish how long they may have been in the car. There may be a pay and display ticket with a start or expiry time, though a dog should never be left in a car unsupervised, even for a short amount of time.

“Note the car’s registration and if you’re at a supermarket or public venue, ask the staff to make an announcement to alert the owner.”

* What to do in an emergency: “If the situation becomes critical, you may feel you need to break into the car and perform emergency first aid. Please be aware that without proper justification it could be classed as criminal damage and you may need to be prepared to defend your actions in court. Inform the police of what you intend to do and why, take images and footage of the dog and record numbers of any witnesses.

“Start to cool the dog down immediately while someone contacts a local vet. They may advise taking the dog straight to them but make sure they’re being cooled on the way. Move the dog to a shaded area and pour small amounts of room temperature water onto their body. Offer the dog small amounts of cool water, but don’t force them to drink if they don’t want to. Continue to pour small amounts of water onto them until their breathing begins to settle or you arrive at the vets.”