A SERIAL burglar with 16 house break-ins on his record has been jailed for two years for kicking and prising at a flat door watched by a frightened mother at home with her children.

Barry Briggs, with 19 convictions for 32 offences, and his accomplice David Lord attacked the patio doors at the address in Sandhill Close, Allerton, Bradford, at 5am on February 23.

Prosecutor Laura McBride told Bradford Crown Court on Monday that the woman heard a noise and saw the men kicking at the patio doors and fiddling with them. One then began kicking at a window while the other had some sort of implement in his hand.

She was so frightened when one of them saw her that she ran to a neighbour for help.

The pair then left and she took a video of them as they made off up some bankings.

Miss McBride said the victim was afraid both for herself and her two children in the flat with her.

The police found a footmark on the window and the door damaged and slightly opened.

They apprehended the defendants nearby and found a knife with a broken blade.

Briggs, 45, and Lord, 32, both of Beamsley Road, Shipley, pleaded guilty to attempted burglary.

Upkar Bahia, for Briggs, said he had taken tablets and had no recollection of committing the offence. He was taken to hospital by the police because he was so intoxicated he couldn’t stand.

Mr Bahia said Briggs had made great efforts to stay off drugs after his release from his last jail sentence. He had been in custody since his arrest.

Camille Morland said Lord was highly intoxicated and had no memory of the burglary attempt. He had no previous convictions and he had since moved from Bradford to Huddersfield where he intended to stay.

He had serious mental health problems and his support worker had attended court with him.

Recorder Alex Menary said the woman was very frightened when she saw the men trying to break in. One of them was kicking the door and the other using a weapon to try to force it. Both were intoxicated at the time.

Although Briggs had to go straight to prison, Recorder Menary said he could take an exceptional course with Lord. He had no previous convictions, ongoing mental health problems and he had made good progress since.

He was sentenced to 22 months imprisonment, suspended for 18 months, with up to 30 rehabilitation activity days.