AN appeal to retain signs on a Conservation Area building has been dismissed by a planning inspector.

Signs advertising Covid "fit to fly" certificates were installed at New John Street, Grattan Road and Westgate without planning permission.

A retrospective application to retain these signs for a one year period was refused by Bradford Council last year. Officers claimed the signs were "visual clutter to the detriment of the street scene."

The site sits within the City Centre Conservation Area, and officers said the signs “do not preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area."

Inspector says huge advertising sign 'causes harm' to city Conservation Area

Applicants Expert Medicals Ltd appealed this decision, claiming the site “has been under-used in recent years as a result of the economic recession and uncertainty over pro-posed development schemes.

“Temporary uses are now appropriate until any future developments materialise and so change the character of the area on a long-term basis.”

Planning officer M Clowes disagreed with this point of view.

Dismissing the application, he said: "Despite the area being predominantly commercial with fascia and other signs located at ground floor level on neighbouring premises, there are no other comparable banner signs of this size within the immediate vicinity. To my mind, it has a negative impact on the street scene and the Conservation Area."