A MEDIA company's claim that a £48 million road scheme is "unlikely to progress" has been dismissed by Bradford Council.

But the authority has admitted the project has faced lengthy delays.

The Bradford to Shipley Route Improvement Scheme has been in the planning stages for several years.

It will see Valley Road/Canal Road widened to reduce congestion.

Manningham Lane would become a "sustainable transport corridor" with new cycle lanes, pedestrian facilities and bus lanes.

The future of the scheme has now been questioned in an unlikely place - an appeal against a decision to refuse a digital advertising board.

In late 2020, Bradford Council refused a planning application to replace advertising bill-boards at the junction of Otley Road and Bradford.

Refusing those plans, officers said: "This junction is the subject of an on-going regional road improvement scheme and the proposed display could prejudice the delivery of this project."

Now the applicant, Air Outdoor Media, has lodged an appeal against that refusal.

The company pointed out that there had been little progress on the project in the 17 months since the plan was refused.

A Council report on the road scheme in late 2019 said work was expected to start this September.

The appeal by Air Outdoor Media adds: "The appellant waited for the Council to advance the proposed scheme before taking any further action.

"However the Council took no action in progressing the highway scheme.

"After examination of the Council’s timeline, lack of progress for the scheme, potential future delays due to Covid-19, staff shortages, and funding shortfalls, it became apparent that the scheme was unlikely to progress, or be brought forward within any reasonable time frame."

In response, a Bradford Council spokesperson, said: “It is not true to suggest there has been no progress on the Bradford Shipley Route Improvement Scheme.

“We are expecting to be on-site renaturalising Bradford Beck later this year.

“Due to the complexity of schemes like the Bradford Shipley Route Improvement Scheme, it is perfectly normal for major infrastructure schemes to take some time.

“Like similar schemes across the country, we are working hard to manage the impact of the global pandemic and supply chain issues caused by the war in Ukraine.

“Work has continued throughout this period as we refine potential options for the scheme to meet our ambitions for an improved, sustainable transport network.

“This will be delivered within the agreed budget and we will provide a general update on progress later in the year with a further round of consultation in 2023.”