COMMERCIAL buildings on a Green Belt site in Bronte Country can be demolished to make way for a house - planners have decided.

A planning application to flatten the site, off West Shaw Lane in Oxenhope, and build a five bed house in its place, was submitted to Bradford Council by Chartback Ltd last year.

The existing commercial buildings on the site are vacant, and include a former minibus and private hire company.

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The application pointed out that although the site is in the Green Belt, and in the Oxenhope Upper Town Conservation Area, it has been previously developed. The new house would have a smaller footprint than the buildings it would replace.

Planning officers at Bradford Council said: "The site has been developed over the years and is now rather messy and not visually pleasing.

"The proposal would appear to provide a satisfactory solution for the site which would preserve the special character and appearance of the conservation area."