A CYCLING coach has started offering BMX sessions for women to encourage them to get involved with the sport.

Emily Groves, 36, who runs Ready Steady Pedal held her first ‘BMXercise’ class in Peel Park on Monday evening.

She said: “When I got my BMX qualification, I knew that I wanted to help more women get involved and encourage them to give it a go.

“I had a decent turn out on the first session, eight women came too, and they really enjoyed it.”

There is BMX group in Bradford called ‘Bradford BMX Bandits’ but it is male dominated.

Emily hopes to give these women enough confidence to join the club.

“My women’s BMXercise is to allow women to improve their skills.”

The first session is free, but it will cost £5 per session after for the bike, helmet, and glove hire and for track use.

More information can be found on Facebook on Ready Steady Pedal.