A GOVERNMENT planning inspector has dismissed an appeal that could have seen a new access road built on a Greenbelt site.

Last Summer Bradford Council refused a planning application to create a new raised access road from Apperley Lane, between Apperley Bridge and Rawdon, to agricultural land off the busy road.

Planning officers claimed the work would lead to urbanisation of the Greenbelt and could cause highway safety issues, as heavy vehicles would emerge from the field onto a busy A road.

Applicant Mr Beamish had said the track was "designed to ensure the safe passing of vehicles, and to serve the operational needs of the land to continue its current agricultural use.”

Green belt homes plan in Burley-in-Wharfedale is refused

After the plan was refused, he appealed the decision.

But now planning inspector TJ Burnham has dismissed that appeal, raising many of the same concerns as planning officers.

He said the raised road "would form an incongruous feature which would contrast sharply with the rural character and appearance to the west of Apperley Lane.

"The proposal would therefore harm the character and appearance of the area."

On the traffic concerns he added: "Apperley Lane is a busy road consistent with its ‘A’ road status. The proposal would be likely to have a harmful impact on highway safety."