THE presence of protected trees could scupper a plan to develop housing on a Heaton site.

On Wednesday members of Bradford Council's Bradford Planning Panel will decide whether to approve plans to build three town houses on a plot of land next to Leylands Medical Centre on Leylands Lane.

Submitted by Waqaas Khan, the application says the terraced houses would blend in with the surrounding area, and cause no issues for neighbours.

But a report to the committee recommends members refuse the plans due to the potential harm the scheme will cause to protected trees.

Liz McLaughlin, Arboricultural Officer, says one tree that would be removed to allow the development is a "large, mature specimen which is in good health and contributes positively to the amenity of the area."

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They also say proposals to move another protected tree on the site would likely damage that tree's roots, potentially killing the tree.

A report that will go before the committee says the loss of trees "will have a detrimental and erosive impact on open wooded appearance of this site and the leafy character of the immediate area.

"Failure to sufficiently integrate these important features into the development, the potential future issues and lack of retention of healthy trees, is contrary to planning policies."