A NEW bridge to carry traffic over the River Wharfe in Ilkley could be built if a planning application is successful.

Mrs Linda Spencer, of Aire Valley Park Ltd has submitted an outline application to Bradford Council for a new bridge adjacent to the existing Denton Bridge, requesting consideration of access and siting.

The proposal is for the provision of a new vehicular bridge, capable of allowing two-way flow, alongside the existing bridge which would be restricted for use by just pedestrians, horse riders and cyclists.

Agent for the applicant John Steel, of J.O Steel Consulting said: "Approval in principle is sought to build a new bridge just downstream of the existing one.

"What is proposed is a 5.5m carriageway with two 450mm margins. The detailed design will be such that HGV's can be accommodated. A careful assessment of the levels on either side of the river has been made so that appropriate gradients can be achieved with both the A65 and Denton Road.

"When the new bridge is in place the existing one can be designated for use by pedestrians, cyclists, and horses.

"Whilst the bridge can be constructed on land owned by Bradford Council and will be maintained by that Council as the Highway Authority, it is appreciated that Denton Road is within North Yorkshire, and the County Council are the Highway Authority. That has been reflected in the pre-application discussions with NYCC Highways Department & Bradford MDC Highways Department."

A transport assessment has been prepared by Sanderson Associates (consulting engineers) Ltd on behalf of Gordon Halton Homes for the proposed bridge to link the A65 Coutances Way and Denton Road, Ilkley.

Halton Homes owns the former Middleton Hospital site in Carter's Lane, which it has been seeking to redevelop.

The transport assessment for the proposed bridge concludes: "A road traffic incident review has concluded that the proposals will provide a betterment on the existing situation with regards to highway safety.

"Junction capacity modelling has been undertaken which indicates that the junction of the proposed bridge with the A65 would operate well within practical capacity at present and could also accommodate an uplift in vehicle movements. It is considered that the proposed scenario of two-way flows will provide an improvement for future scenarios in comparison to the existing one-way arrangement.

"Therefore, this Transport Assessment demonstrates that there would not be an unacceptable impact on highway safety associated with the proposals and that the residual cumulative impacts would not be severe. As such, there are no transport reasons why planning should not be granted."

The full application can be viewed at https://planning.bradford.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=R9AJSXDHIEX00